Contact Us
Contact all the staff (instructor and TAs): cs61b (at)
![]() |
Hilfinger (at)
Feel free to drop by whenever my office is open and I am not singing
in a language other than English.
Teaching Assistants
![]() Jackson Leisure
jleisure (at)
Hello there! I'm a CogSci/DataSci/CompSci major from Altadena, CA. I like board games, a weird sport called jugger, and feeding snacks to students (I take requests). Feel free to talk to me about anything at all!
![]() Matthew Owen
omatthew98 (at)
hello party people, come to my section so i can teach you cool things and some computer science
![]() aannadi (at)
Hey! I'm Akshit, and I'm from Dublin, CA and am currently a third year EECS major. In my free time, I enjoy watching a ton of T.V., eating a ton of food, and finding new classes to take at the RSF. 61B is one of my favorite CS courses I've taken so far, and I hope it'll be yours too! Looking forward to a great semester.
![]() Divinee Chidume
divineechidume (at)
Hi everyone, I'm a fourth year computer science major. I love watching shows on Netflix but never actually finishing entire seasons. Talk to me about the office and Arrested Development. After taking 61B I decided to jump ship from being pre-haas to intended CS. I really hope you'll enjoy this class as much as I did. I look forward to having an amazing semester with you all.
![]() Sean Dooher
sean.dooher (at)
Hi everyone! I'm a senior born and raised in the Bay Area. In my free time I like to cook, hike, and live up to the expectations of my younger self. My focus in CS has been on lower level programming and security. Feel free to reach out to me if you need any help or just want to chat!
![]() Annie Huang
anniexhuang (at)
Hi there! I’m a fourth-year CS major from the Bay Area who came to Berkeley intending to major in anything but CS (but 61B changed my mind!) I love dogs, eating breakfast at all hours, ice cream, and wearing all black (see the above photo of me wearing all black in front of a Vantablack™ orb). Please come to my discussion to show me photos of your dogs!
![]() shubhaj (at)
Hi hello! I'm a third year EECS major from Fremont, CA. I make up words
frequently, love solving riddles, am fascinated by space, and am passionate
about combining technology with education and the arts!
![]() Omar Khan
omarnabikhan (at)
Hello everyone! I'm a Junior EECS student from Sonoma county and this is my 3rd semester with the course! Feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any questions about the course or any CS related things, or come by my office hours. Learn lots, this is a great course!
![]() Julian Kung
julianrkung (at)
Hello! I'm a third-year CS major from the bay area. I enjoy CS theory, teaching, and hanging out with my friends. I want to eventually retire to a farm. I hope you enjoy your semester in 61B–it's a great class (perhaps even the best)!! Feel free to chat with me about anything :)
![]() Kelly Lin
kellymlin (at)
Hello! I'm a fourth year EECS major from Irvine, CA. In my free time I enjoy playing piano, composing music, running, and playing jugger. 61B was one of my favorite classes here, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)
![]() Nathan Miller
nathan_miller23 (at)
Hi! I'm a third year CS major with a focus on ML and data science. This is my third semester teaching 61B, and as excellent as the profs are, I find I learn even more from teaching you, the students, in section and office hours. My hobbies include HashMaps, pondering the meaning of life at Moffit at 4am, and Chipotle burritos. If you ever have any questions about course material, machine learning, or even life, feel free to reach out to me!
![]() Mahesh Murag
maheshmurag (at)
Hello! I’m Mahesh, a 3rd year EECS major from the Bay Area. I love
La Burrita and CS61B!
![]() Mounica Putrevu
mounicaputrevu (at)
Hi! I'm Mounica, a fourth year CS major from the Bay Area. When I'm procrastinating studying you'll find me tagging people in memes and singing along to Bollywood music :) 61B was one of my favorite classes at Berkeley, and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much!
![]() Michael Qi
michaelqi (at)
The Cleveland Browns will win Super Bowl LIII.
![]() Arjun Sahai
arjunsahai (at)
I didn't fill out my staff bio :(
![]() Vivant Sakore
vsakore (at)
I'm a graduate student at UC Berkeley School of Information. I'm a software engineer by profession and have worked in the software industry for 4 years. My focus is at the intersection of software engineering and data science.
![]() Vibha Seshadri
vibhaseshadri (at)
Hey everyone! My name is Vibha, and I am a fourth year Computer Science major. I'm really excited to work with y'all this semester! Feel free to reach out about anything!
![]() asetoodehnia (at)
Hello! I'm Adel, a fourth-year Mathematics and Computer Science student from Union, New Jersey. When I have free time you could probably find me playing soccer, listening to music, playing guitar, or just catching up on sleep. If you ever need anything or just see me around and want to say hi, please don't hesitate to reach out! I'm really looking forward to meeting you all this semester :)
![]() Itai Smith
iasmith (at)
Hi there! My name is Itai and I'm a fourth year CS major. When I'm not doing school work, you can find me traveling around the Bay Area, listening to 70s music, eating cookies, and just thinking about life. 61B was one of my favorite classes, so I hope to make it a fun experience for you as well! Feel free to come talk to me about anything!
![]() yuancheng.tsai (at)
Hello! My name is Anson and I am a senior doing EECS stuff. I like watching big /oof/ movies, munching on snacks, and browsing the memes in my spare time. If you see me around, feel free say hello!
![]() Ryan Tseng
ryantseng (at)
Hi everyone! I'm Ryan and I'm a 3rd year CS major from Cupertino, CA. CS 61B is one my all time favorite classes, and I'm excited to be back as a TA. Outside of class you can catch me at the RSF playing badminton, so don't hesitate to say hi if you see me!
![]() John Xiang
johnxiang (at)
hi i'm john
![]() Hannah Yan
hannah.yan (at)
Hey! I'm Hannah, a 3rd year CS major from Chicago(ish), IL, and I like to ᵇᵒᵒᵍᶦᵉ ʷᵒᵒᵍᶦᵉ, sing, poorly curate my Spotify playlists, and inhale lots of sweets heh. I always enjoy a good conversation about self-care/personal growth, so talk to me about your interests! Like the rest of course staff, I like 61B a whole lot, and I hope to make this class a fun and fulfilling experience for you all \ (•◡•) /
![]() joshua.yang (at)
Hi! I'm Josh, a third year CS and Music major from Vancouver, Canada. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, watching sad anime, taking fat naps, playing tennis, and jamming out on piano to some hip jazz tunes and pop classics alike. I look forward to getting to know you, and I hope you enjoy all that 61B has to offer!
![]() Tina Zhao
tinazhao (at)
Hi pals! I’m a fourth-year CS major from Southern California. Besides teaching, I like listening to music, watching cooking shows, taking long naps in the afternoon, and consuming an unhealthy amount of spicy food. I like making friends, so come say hi! :D
![]() han_zhou (at)
Heyo team, I'm a third year CS major from Danville, California. As of rn, Cloud9 LoL has qualified for yet another World Championship, so if any yall down to watch C9 win Worlds this year u can hmu. If Cloud9 isn't you favorite team that's okay! unless your favorite team is TSM, then I'd suggest attending someone else's sections :^)
![]() Austin Cheng
austincheng (at)
Bio coming soon!
![]() Vivek Datta
avdatta (at)
I'm a third year CS major from Fremont, CA. More importantly though, I'm a huge fan of hip hop, electronic music, Bay Area sports (go Warriors/Niners/Giants!), hiking, and Christopher Nolan/Quentin Tarantino films, so hit me up if any of that interests you. At the end of the day, I'm here to try and help make your experience in this course as smooth, enriching, and (maybe even) fun as possible. Reach out if I can help you in any way, and let's make this semester a good one :)
![]() Gavin Groode
ggroode (at)
Hi I am a second year Physics and Computer Science Major! I live in Los Angeles and love to ski (which doesn't really work out weather wise). I also love dogs, swimming and laying on my couch when hanging out with friends. Also escape rooms are cool, if you get the chance I would try at least one. Feel free to talk to me about pretty much anything, and welcome to 61B :).
![]() Michelle Hao
mhao (at)
Hi everyone! I'm a fourth year CS major from Maryland. I love fruit, the ocean, Trader Joe's, and dogs. Also super excited to be tutoring 61B this semester, so feel free to say hi if you see me!
![]() darren.y.huang (at)
Hello! I'm a Senior at UC Berkeley studying computer science and applied math. I really enjoy learning new things and exploring how a simple bug can take hours off your life. I spend most of my time training to become a master chef under the guidance of Gordon Ramsay and Binging with Babish, but in my free time I like playing video games, watching dog videos, and sleeping. Oh yeah I guess I do some classes and studying here and there too x_x
![]() Star Jin
xingyu.jin21 (at)
Hey everyone! My name is Star, and I'm a junior studying CS and Stats (and probably Japanese). I love making Tik-Tok videos and playing robotics. Don't forget to ask me what happened in both of the robotics competitions I was in! Feel free to reach out to me for anything, anytime! Let's have a great semester ^_^
![]() Anjali Kantharuban
anjaliruban (at)
Hi! I’m a sophomore CS student and this is my first time tutoring for 61B. I love debugging, baking, and watching over dramatic TV. I’m super excited to help out this semester!
![]() Andrew Ke
andrewke (at)
Hey! I’m Andrew, a second-year EECS major from the bay area. I love CS 61B and Sharks hockey!
![]() Connor Lafferty
cclafferty5 (at)
Hello! I'm a third year EECS student who loves movies, baseball, basketball and cooking! My favorite topics to teach in 61B are search and sorting algorithms, and my primary field of interest in CS is federated learning. I hope you enjoy 61B as much as I did!
![]() Angela Liu
aliu917 (at)
Hey! I’m Angela and currently a second year studying CS. I’ve lived in the Bay Area my entire life and I love it here! When I’m not studying, I like to read, play golf, travel, and eat Asian desserts. CS 61B has been my favorite class so far, so I hope you all love it too!
![]() Frank Liu
fliu (at)
Hello yall, my name is Frank Liu and I am a sophomore pursuing a double major in Computer Science and Molecular and Cellular Biology. In my free time I enjoy traveling, working out at the RSF, getting food at the Asian ghetto, and playing on the Sproul piano. I look forward to getting to know you, and feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns!
![]() Daniel Lujan
dnlujan (at)
Hi! I am a third year studying computer science and data science. In my free time, I enjoy cooking and trying out new foods. I also play the viola and was part of UCBSO. I am very excited for this semester!
![]() Mantej Panesar
mantejpanesar (at)
Hi! I’m Mantej and currently a second year studying Computer Science. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, cooking, hiking, and rewatching Psych. I had a great experience in CS 61B and hope you all do too. Looking forward to this semester!
![]() Won Ryu
won.ryu (at)
Hi everyone! I’m Won, a junior CS major from Stockholm, Sweden (yes, one of the few). This is my 3rd semester/summer involved with teaching 61B(L) and I’m super excited to be involved again this fall. This class convinced me to major in CS so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I like soccer, cooking, noodling on my guitar and binging TV shows — feel free to talk to me about any of those things. Also, hit me up for some juicy data structure tips :)
![]() Aakash Shukla
aakash.shukla (at)
Hey everyone! I'm Aakash, a third year CS major from Northern Virginia and this is my second semester tutoring for 61B . In my free time I like cooking, running, and eating an unhealthy amount of taco bell. I also pride myself in being a master at getting lost on campus and starting side projects but never finishing them. I loved 61B and can't wait to work with you!
![]() dylantran (at)
Hi! My name is Dylan, and I'm a second year CS major from the Bay Area. Outside of class, I like playing piano, solving puzzles, and spending time outdoors. Super excited to be tutoring for 61B this semester!
![]() Kevin Wang
kevinwang27 (at)
Junior at Berkeley studying EECS! Other then studying and tutoring, I do research and play on the ice hockey team.
![]() Fatema Yasini
yasinifatema (at)
Hi there! I'm Fatema, and I'm a 3rd year from the Bay Area. CS61B is my favorite class and I'm super excited for you to experience it too! In my free time, you can find me hiking, watching Netflix, eating, or baking banana bread. Oh and I'm super obsessed with coffee. That means you will probably find me at any cafe or coffee shop around campus. If you ever see me make sure to say hi!
![]() cindyxzhang (at)
Hi! I'm a sophomore studying Computer Science. Outside of academics, one of my main hobbies is wushu (Chinese martial arts). I also love spontaneous adventures, or more specifically, I have an unhealthy obsession with going to the beach. Please feel free to contact me about anything and everything!
![]() Tim Zhou
tim.qianzhou (at)
I am a Junior studying Computer Science and Applied Math. I am an united fan and love to play soccer. Come to office hour and we'll have lots of fun together.